Meltz Speaks At The Public Diplomacy Council’s: “Of Campaigns & Corporations: Communications Strategies from Other Professions.”

On November 29th, 2017, Gary Meltz, the Principal of MELTZ Communications, spoke on a panel at the Public Diplomacy Council’s event: “Of Campaigns & Corporations: Communications Strategies from Other Professions.” Organized in conjunction with the U.S. State Department, in the audience were current and former Foreign Service Officers who specialize in communications and public affairs. The event was held at the American Foreign Service Association building in Foggy Bottom. Also speaking on the panel: Chaz Cirame, Principal at Cc:External Affairs, Inc. A leader in the field of public relations, he specializes in helping clients engage in government relations, coalition building, and third party advocacy. Alex Conant, Partner at Firehouse Strategies. He served as Communications Director for Marco Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign. Sarah Peck, Communications Director for Senator Tim Kaine. She served as Communications Director for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in Virginia in...

MELTZ Communications Post-Election Analysis

FROM:                     Gary Meltz, Principal, MELTZ Communications SUBJ:                        Election Analysis DATE:                       November 9, 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings, I hope you are having a good day. Some quick reactions to yesterday’s momentous election. 1. First and foremost, a huge night for Republicans and a terrible night for Democrats all across the United States (including myself and everyone I worked with at the DNC for the last few months). Also, Trump is the big dog in town now and Republicans and Democrats are right to fear him, for the time being at least. 2. My previous analysis was wrong (big time) about Hillary cruising and Democrats making gains in Congress. My only consolation on being wrong is that I was calling for big gains weeks before most everyone else. 3. I am not going to analyze the turnout or the election in this memo. I will let the pollsters do that and figure out what they screwed up, and who voted which way and who didn’t vote at all. 4. If you are a traditional left-leaning advocacy group, business or anything else in Washington, the next few years are going to be rough. There are no traditional pathways open to achieving gains on any legislative or regulatory priorities. 5. If you are an established business interest in Washington with an agenda, the next few years has the ability to be productive. Trump claims to be a deal maker, so it’s time for him to make some deals. Business has a real shot to get some goodies from a Trump administration and a GOP controlled Congress. However, on trade, not so much. 6. For...

MELTZ Communications Election Outlook

FROM:                     Gary Meltz, Principal, MELTZ Communications SUBJ:                        Upcoming Election DATE:                       October 18, 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings. Before tomorrow night’s final debate, I wanted to share my views on where things stand in the upcoming election. I look forward to any feedback you might have. Thank you, Gary WINNERS Hillary Clinton: Barring a catastrophe, Hillary is going to win big on November 8th. Since defeating Senator Bernie Sanders in the primary, she has run her campaign focused on these fundamentals: She has the traditional Electoral College advantage enjoyed by Democrats, and is now threatening to win traditional red states like Arizona. Republicans are increasingly becoming the party of white males, which is not enough to overcome all other demographics, which are supporting Clinton. Her opponent is Donald Trump and his inability to run a disciplined campaign is glaring. Plus, his baggage is epic and overwhelming any potential damage to Hillary from the Wikileaks releases. The Media: The media has kept people believing this election is close, despite the fact that Hillary has always been favored to win and is a very strong candidate (at least if you compare her to her competition which is all that matters). Hillary got more votes against Obama in 2008, than Sanders did against Hillary in 2016. But, if you believed the media during this year’s Democratic primary, Hillary was a weak candidate. They propped Trump up allowing him to attack his GOP primary opponents relentlessly. Now he has the nomination, they mercilessly savage him. Continue to report heavily on national polls, even though they are meaningless compared to polls in the battleground states. This weekend, the WaPo...

MELTZ Communications Gives Crisis Communications Seminar At Council On Foreign Relations

MELTZ COMMUNICATIONS GIVES CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS SEMINAR AT COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMUNICATIONS CLUB Date: February 11, 2015 Washington: Today, Gary Meltz, Principal of MELTZ Communications, gave a presentation on crisis communications at the Council on Foreign Relations Communications Club. At the event, Meltz spoke to communications professionals at several prestigious think-tanks in Washington which focus on foreign relations and national security issues. The topics covered at the seminar included: Understanding when you are in a crisis Myths surrounding crisis communications Keys to successfully operating in a crisis setting Best practices for social media channels in a crisis Building better narratives Identifying and using third-party validators The Communications Club is an ad hoc organization run by communications professionals at the Council on Foreign Relations. ###...